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Before you sign up to Tripbylocal and start using our platform, please read through the Terms and Conditions we've set out below. By using the Tripbylocal website, you're indicating that you understand and accept our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

The terms may be subject to change every so often, so if you haven't visited this page since the last time it was updated, please have another look at them. We'll flag key changes for your attention, either in a notice on the Tripbylocal website or by email.

1. Company profile

Tripbylocal is an international online travel company registered under federal law. We are well-connected across the global travel network and work with many international travel partners. We offer travel planning, vacations, tours and trips to the world’s most popular travel destinations, made available on our website by our third-party suppliers. The Tripbylocal website also offers customers the facilities to post reviews of trips, tours and hotels, and take part in discussions on our interactive travel forum.

In these Terms and Conditions, “we”, “us”, “our” and “Tripbylocal” refer to Tripbylocal Inc. “You” refers to the customer visiting the website.

2. Use of the Tripbylocal website

You agree not to use our website to make any false or fraudulent requests. If you have a Tripbylocal account, you agree to keep your account details and password safe, and take responsibility for any transactions made using your account. Please note that Tripbylocal isn't liable to you for any transactions made fraudulently on your account, but you will be responsible for bearing the cost of any purchases from Tripbylocal, even if these were made by someone else using your account details. This is why it's especially important to safeguard your password. If you do think that someone has accessed your account without permission, please get in touch with our Customer Service team immediately.

We retain the right to deny to anyone access to our website, at any time, for any reason and at our sole discretion.

3. Registration

In order to make a booking with Tripbylocal, you will need to register an account. This involves completing an online registration form and agreeing to Tripbylocal's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. The registration is then confirmed by Tripbylocal.

4. Bookings

All our booking information is listed on our website. If you require any additional information regarding bookings or trips, you can talk to our representatives over the phone or send us an email. Our booking engine is professionally designed and ensures a user-friendly interface. You may also choose to book your trips over the phone with support from our Customer Care team.

You agree to provide only truthful information when using our booking platform. If we find that you have provided incorrect information, we reserve the right to cancel your booking without a refund.

By booking a trip or other travel service, you enter into a binding contract with the supplier which takes effect when they accept your booking. You agree to waive any right of cancellation in your favor, to the extent permitted by law.

5. Trips, travel experiences and services

You are responsible for arriving in a timely fashion at the airport or scheduled meeting point for your trip, tour or travel experience, and for complying with any conditions for participation stipulated by the supplier. Our suppliers reserve the right to exclude you from an activity if you do not meet the conditions for participation or if your participation would put yourself or others at risk. In such cases, you will not be offered a refund. Please note that suppliers may make minor changes to the advertised program.

While we endeavor to ensure that we partner only with the highest-quality and best-regarded suppliers, we cannot warrant the accuracy of any information you receive from a supplier or guarantee that they will deliver a service. We are accountable only for services offered by Tripbylocal itself, and are not liable for the services offered by any of our suppliers.

However, in the event of a disagreement between you and the supplier, Tripbylocal will volunteer to act as mediator. Should a supplier cancel a trip or experience by reason of force majeure (weather conditions, governmental actions or other unavoidable external circumstances which make carrying out the activity impossible or substantially more difficult), Tripbylocal will offer you a full refund and 10% off a replacement activity.

6. Prices, rates and fares

Fares and prices for our trips are regularly updated on our website. However, prices can fluctuate rapidly owing to factors like changes in air fares, foreign exchange rates, changes in tax rates etc. We therefore recommend that you to contact us for the most up-to-date price quotation before booking with us.

Please note that your bank may impose charges on your transaction beyond the price of your trip, for example in the form of taxes or currency conversions. To find out more about possible charges, please contact your bank or card provider; unfortunately, Tripbylocal can't help you here as different banks will have different policies.

Tripbylocal periodically offers discounts and special offers to our customers. We suggest that you check our website from time to time or sign up to our newsletter to stay up to date with our special offers and promotions.

Tripbylocal operates a Best Price Guarantee to ensure that you aren't overcharged for the services we offer. If you find a service that you've booked via Tripbylocal for a lower price elsewhere online, on the same terms, then we will voluntarily refund you the difference.

7. Payments and deposits

An early reservation is always recommended for trips and ticket bookings. Late bookings may incur extra charges, depending on the trip destination and duration.

You will usually be asked to pay the full cost of your trip at the time of your booking (though depending on your destination and trip duration, some trip providers may ask for an upfront deposit with the balance payable when you begin your tour). Please note that, by booking a travel experience through the website, you agree to be bound by the supplier's terms and conditions and any other rules or policies related to the travel experience.

Payment should be made to Tripbylocal , and we will prepare an invoice for your transaction. Currency conversion charges may apply if you are paying in a currency different from that of the supplier. The Tripbylocal website provides a list of authorized payment methods. You agree to provide truthful billing information.

8. Airline tickets, bookings and baggage regulations:

We are affiliated to many of the world's major airlines and offer an e-booking service from our website and support center. You may be asked to pay booking and/or reservation charges depending on the policies of the airline with which you are flying. Baggage allowances also vary between airlines.

9. Passports and visas

When booking international travel services on the Tripbylocal website, you are responsible for ensuring that you meet all foreign entry requirements and that all the necessary travel documents, including passports and visas, are in order and valid at least for the duration of your journey. Tripbylocal recommends that your passport should be valid for at least six months from the date of your departure, as renewing passports overseas can be extremely difficult, and if your passport is close to its expiry date, this may affect your likelihood of being granted a visa.

For passport and visa requirements, please consult the relevant embassy or consulate for information. As requirements may change, be sure to check for up-to-date information before booking and just prior to your departure date. Tripbylocal cannot accept any liability for travelers who are refused entry onto a flight or into a country because they are not carrying the required travel documents.

We recommend that you also notify your embassy or consulate of your travel details, including your destination and the duration of your trip.

Some countries may deny your visa application if you have a past record of criminal activity. Please check with the relevant embassies or consulates in the countries where you plan to travel if you have any previous convictions.

10. Travel insurance

Travel insurance is mandatory for all the trips and tour packages we operate. We strongly recommend that you obtain adequate, valid travel insurance from a genuine insurance company to minimize risks during your trip.

Tripbylocal will ask you to confirm that you’ve purchased travel insurance before we finalize your booking, and our partners will need confirmation that you’re suitably insured before they take you out on a trip or tour. You are also required to carry proof of your insurance with you during your travels, and produce it if requested. When arranging your travel insurance, it Is your responsibility to ensure that there are no exclusion clauses which limit the types of activities included or the altitudes attained during your adventure trips, and that scenarios like emergency evacuations (if applicable) are covered by your provider.

11. Cancellation policy

We offer a flexible cancellation policy should you need to cancel your reservation. Please read our cancellation policy carefully to avoid any confusion:

For any cancellations made more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled start of the trip, you will be refunded the full cost of the trip. However, individual suppliers or tour operators may charge a cancellation fee, depending on their company policy, which you can view at the time of the booking your trip. There are some fees which suppliers or tour operators need to pay upfront at the time of the booking, which are non-refundable. In this case, there is no refund available.

  • Airfares are non-refundable in all circumstances.
  • Any tickets to events, attractions, shows etc. are non-refundable in all circumstances. 
  • Travel permit fees and government fees are non-refundable.
  • Gift cards are non-refundable in all circumstances.

Note: All promotional fares are payable in full while booking and are non-refundable regardless of the date or any other reason for cancellation. In all cases, unused car rental portions or vouchers are non-refundable.
If a supplier cancels a trip owing to force majeure, a full refund and 10% off a replacement activity will be offered by Tripbylocal . If you fail to pay for a trip or service, or make a payment but then subsequently withdraw it, you will be deemed to have canceled your booking and this cancellation policy will apply.

12. Gift cards

You can purchase gift cards on the Tripbylocal website. Gift card sales are final and non-refundable.

When using a gift card to purchase trips, tours or travel services, if the value of the items you book is greater than the value of your gift card, you can pay the balance using your credit or debit card. If the value is less than your gift card, we'll store the balance in our database for you to use the next time you book with us.

13. Account deactivation

You can deactivate your Tripbylocal account at any time by making a deactivation request from the Settings page of your account. We'll delete your account as soon as we reasonably can upon receiving your request. Any data on your account will be lost. Tripbylocal may also terminate any account unilaterally.

14. Forbidden activities on the website

All the content on this website, including its code and software program, is the property of Tripbylocal . You agree not to modify, copy, re-sell or abuse any of our content.

You also agree not to do, or allow or enable others to do, any of the following:

  • use our website for commercial or illegal purposes
  • scrape or copy any of our content without our permission
  • hack the website, or try to get around any of the security features we've designed to limit access to the Tripbylocal website
  • cause or route unsustainably high volumes of traffic to the website
  • spam, mass mail or harass people on our website
  • post pornography on the website
  • spread computer viruses via the website
  • damage the website.

15. Limited liability

Tripbylocal  and all its partners, affiliates and suppliers act only in their capacity as registered agents for hotels, airlines, ships, railways, roadways and the parties providing accommodation, transportation and other services to our clients. By listing information relevant to travelling to particular destinations, Tripbylocal is not claiming or implying that travel to such destinations is advisable or risk-free, and is not liable for any loss or damage that you may suffer as a result.

Tripbylocal purchases services from various suppliers and agents who are not affiliated to us. We ensure that we always choose suppliers with a reputation for high service standards and excellent customer support. That said, Tripbylocal does not control the operation of these agents and therefore cannot be held liable for any damage, harm or injury which may occur as a result of:

  • Negligence, wrongful acts or omissions on the part of the independent supplier, agent, its employees or others who are not under the direct control and supervision of Tripbylocal 
  • Defects, damage and loss of any vessel, aircraft, vehicle or other equipment which is not the property of Tripbylocal or which is under the direct control of the independent supplier
  • Injury and loss caused by Acts of God such as natural disasters
  • Injury or loss caused by events like strikes, wars, hostility, riots, theft, medical epidemics etc
  • Changes or alterations made to itineraries for reasons beyond our control
  • Misuse of visas, passports and other legal documents

We do our best to maintain the Tripbylocal website in top condition, but we cannot guarantee that it is free at any given time of viruses or bugs that may harm your computer. If we discover or are given information about a virus or harmful component, we will take steps to remove it as soon as reasonably possible.

While we try to ensure that the information on our website is accurate, we cannot guarantee that it is complete or reliable, and we may add or remove content, or discontinue the website or any of its features, at any time and at our sole discretion.

Tripbylocal is not liable to you for any personal injuries, death, property damage, or other damages or expenses which may result (directly or indirectly) from your use of the website or booking or participation in one of the trips or services on our website.

If we are found to be at fault in such a case, our liability shall not exceed the fees you paid to Tripbylocal at the time of your transaction, or $100.00 (whichever is the greater).

16. Rights reserved

Tripbylocal reserves the right to: 

  • Cancel any itinerary or any part of it if necessary
  • Make changes or alterations to any itinerary
  • Decline to include any traveler in a trip or activity where health conditions or illness make participation inadvisable
  • Make changes to hotels or villas if necessary.

Any rights not expressly granted in this agreement are reserved.

17. Links to/from other websites

We are not responsible for the content of third-party websites linking to or from our site. A link to a site does not imply that Tripbylocal endorses it, and you use such sites at your own risk.

18. Copyright

Our software is copyrighted to Tripbylocal and/or our partners and affiliates. You agree not to copy or reproduce it. Our slogans, trademarks and the "look" of the Tripbylocal site are also our property and may not be copied without our permission.